Monday, January 29, 2007

My First Hospital Visit!

On Saturday I ended up going into the hospital upon the urging of my co-workers. I thought I was fine because I haven't been throwing up but my Dr. so kindly reminded me that if I don't drink anything it doesn't matter if I'm throwing up or not. Long story short, I was loaded up with fluids and meds and sent home with an IV for hydration. Starting today an OB homecare nurse will be visiting me to make sure I'm hydrated and decide if I need a continuous infusion of medication through a little pump for my nausea. I asked Cody if I have the pregnancy glow yet and he said "Yeah, from all of the oil on your face!" Ha Ha. Isn't he hilarious. Otherwise everything seems to be going well. The baby is sure getting all it needs from me!


1 comment:

Grandma Deb said...

Hi, Wendy, hope you're having a better day today and are able to eat and drink something. Hang in there, Cody! This isn't much fun for you and Mavis, either, is it? Things will get better soon, hopefully sooner rather than later!
Love you both,