Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 9!!

We finally got around to buying a mobile for Finley's crib and I think she likes it.
There are Dalmatians and fire hydrants on the mobile and she just stares at the dogs. When the mobile stops she smiles at it and talks to the Dalmatians.

Tell me this is not the cutest baby you've ever seen!!
Like the hat?
This week Finley had her 2 month well baby check-up. Everything checked out ok but she did get her 2 month immunizations. She was smiling and cooing at me when the shot was given and then she just screamed. I felt so bad and yes if you must know mommy cried too.
Finley is now 10# 4 oz and went from the 5th percentile to the 65th percentile and she is 22 in long which is up from the 25th percentile to the 90th percentile.
At least she got a cute flower band-aid on each leg.

A little too close mommy!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Week at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Finley in her hat now...
then! it's not the same hat but it's the same size. She fills it out a bit better these days!
She has discovered her fists.

She loves, loves, loves being naked. She just kicks her legs and arms and coos. Hopefully this won't last into her teen age years!
Finley and I had lots of fun at Grandma and Grandpa Wald's house. We ran a lot of errands with Grandma (shopping) and made a trip to Glen Ullin. It was a great week but Daddy sure is glad to have his little girl back home.

Monday, October 15, 2007


My Great Uncle Fr. Tom baptized Finley in the church that my grandmother grew up attending. The church is closed and every year for opening pheasant season Fr. Tom comes up from Wichita and opens the church and does mass. This year Finley and my cousin Landon were baptized during the mass. It was very special and we were so blessed that Fr Tom was willing and able to be part of Finley's special day.
Finley and I are spending the week in Bismarck and today we went to visit Grandma Donna so she could introduce Finley to all of her friends.
Just a cute picture of Finley.
Finley in her special outfit she wore to meet Grandma Donna's friends.
Finley's baptismal gown was made from Grandma Deb's wedding gown.

My aunt Lisa and her son Landon with us and the delicious cake!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 6!

Finley's first bath in the tub. She's still a bit small for the tub and falls over occasionally but overall it went pretty well.
Finley and I have fun talking and making faces at each other in the mornings. I think she's going through a growth spurt because she has been eating a lot and has been pretty fussy throughout the day so I really enjoy the mornings.
You may have noticed by the photos that my little 5 pounder isn't so little anymore. She has a cute round belly and thigh rolls! This weekend she will be baptized in ND by my Great Uncle Tom and then Finley and I will stay in Bismarck for a week since Cody has been working so much. It will be nice to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa and I'm sure Daddy will appreciate the sleep!! I'll try to post next week but Mom and Dad don't have the most reliable computer so we'll see if it works.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Trav's Wedding!!!

The first 3 babies in the Bosch family in over 5 years! Finley, Brogan who is my cousin Brian's baby and is 5 months old and Landon who was born the day before Finley and is my aunt Lisa's son.
Four generations. Grandma Deb, Great-Grandma Bosch, Finley and me.

My attempt at getting a smile.
The Mother Son dance.
The beautiful bride and my new sister-in-law, Sarah.
Me and my bros.

The wedding party.
Travis meeting his niece.
Great-Grandma and Great-Granddaughter.
The fam.
The happy couple.
We had a great week at home and had so much fun introducing Finley to all of her relatives. I am so glad we were able to spend time with Travis and Sarah during this special time. Enjoy all of the pictures. I went a little overboard this week!