We took Finley to see Santa and it went pretty well. This was by far the happiest she looked out of all the shots but at least she didn't cry!

last weekend we went home to ND for 5 days. We spent a few days at Nana and Papa Schmidt's house and a few days at Grandma Deb and Grandpa Rod's house. It was a nice relaxing trip full of food and great company! This was the first Christmas tree Finley saw this year and Donna set the bar pretty high. I hope Fin doesn't expect our tree to live up to Nana's!

I just love how she is looking at the tree in this pic!

a shot of my beautiful Blue Eyes.

Nana Schmidt had Fin make her first gingerbread house. As you can see she enjoyed the frosting more than the actual gingerbread house.

An M&M remnant on her diaper.

And the finished product.

Playing in Nana's cupboards.

The delicious spread.

Grandma Deb and Grandpa Rod also came to the Schmidt's house for dinner. Lucky Fin got to have both sets of grandparents doting on her at the same time!

And since we didn't go home until Friday, we spent Thanksgiving Day at Gary and Beth's and had a wonderful meal at there house. Thanks for inviting us!
Over the past week Fin has really been perfecting the walking. She now walks almost 100% of the time and only falls occasionally. She has also decided to boycott any stroller rides. This makes trips to the mall very interesting. She's picked up a few new words including hi, hello, bye-bye and hot. It's so fun watching her grow and learn!