Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Busy Weekend!

36 Weeks!

Betty Chin (aka Steph) came to our nail party and did mani/pedis for Jacque and I.

Steph and Jacque made me post this pic of me attempting to cut my toenails. It was quite the feat to reach my toes but I was able to contort myself enough to get it done!

On Friday night we took the train downtown and went out to eat at Zelo.

On Thursday my co-workers had a baby shower for me and once again the baby and I were thoroughly spoiled. Both my mom and my mother-in-law were in the cities for the shower. They left on Friday morning just as Steph and Jacque were flying in from Chicago for a girl's weekend. We had a lot of fun going out to eat, shopping and just hanging out! Unfortunately the massages didn't work out so well. Sorry girls. I owe you!

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