Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Our First Baby

I thought it was time Mavis had a little picture action, after all she is our first baby. Cody picked out this new polo shirt for her and it was just so cute I had to share the picture with everyone. Cody even popped her collar!

In other exciting news I am now med free! No more Zofran pump and I'm feeling pretty darn good and the weather has been nice. What more could a girl ask for.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

16 Weeks

Here is another picture of my ever expanding belly. When I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I can believe it's me looking back! It's so weird to have this new body. I'm feeling much better and hoping to be off the Zofran pump by Monday, but I am a little nervous to see how I feel without it.

We are still loving our doppler. We listen every night and Cody counts the heart rate hoping that it will be under 140 because that supposedly means it will be a boy. So far it's been above 140 so it looks like it's a girl (if we go by Cody's method!)


Friday, March 16, 2007

Appointment Update.

On Wednesday I had another appointment and all went well. I was able to listen to the heartbeat and it was 161 which is really good. I also made my appointment for the "big" ultrasound on April 11th. This is the time when they check to make sure the baby has all it's parts and is growing properly and of course it's when we find out if it's a boy or a girl! I can't wait. I'm already counting down the days!


Friday, March 9, 2007

14 1/2 weeks!

Wow! I can't believe I am already this far into the pregnancy. Things are going very well. I have had no nausea now for 2 weeks and I should be rid of the Zofran pump soon. We also rented a doppler, which arrived today, so now we can listen to the heartbeat whenever we want. I've already listened twice today! We have another appointment on Wednesday. I'll post another update sometime Wednesday evening.


Friday, March 2, 2007

Tummy Picture #2

I didn't realize that I had a tummy until I took this picture but there is definetly something growing in there! This week I officially entered the second trimester and the nausea seems to be easing up a bit. So far all seems to be going well!
