Sunday, May 27, 2007

Weekend Trip!

This weekend Cody and I went to Fargo with his sister Ahnee, and her daughter Maddie, for their cousin Katrina's wedding. We met his parent's and my Mom and spent the weekend together. It was a lot of fun and was once again nice to see our family.
On Monday I will be 26 wkeeks and time sure feels like it is speeding by. Only 3 months and we'll be parents!! I expect the summer to fly by between vacations and trying sell our townhouse and by a house. We can't wait to meet our little girl!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day!

This weekend we went home to spend Mother's Day with our Mothers. Cody was able to go home to Glen Ullin for a day and Doug and Donna joined the Wald clan for brunch on Mother's Day. We had a great time as always and are so glad we were able to spend time with our families. Here are a few pics and I would like to offer my apologies to the Schmidt's. We should have taken pictures when you were there. I guess we'll just have to get some at the wedding next weekend!

Monday, May 7, 2007

23 weeks!

Today the baby is officially considered viable. This means that with a lot of assistance a baby is able survive outside the womb. Of course I want her to stay inside for a few more months, but to an L&D nurse this is a big milestone.
I had Cody take this belly pic because I'm getting a little too big to fit everything in the picture myself. Less than 4 months left! We can't wait!